Star Birth

The Effects of Eta Carinae

As each slider bar is manipulated, the view transitions from visible light to infrared light. In visible light: Dazzling light from the massive star Eta Carinae shapes these dust clouds. In infrared light: Pillars of dust that survive the devastating glow of Eta Carinae stand out in infrared light. As each slider bar is manipulated, the view transitions from visible light to infrared light. In visible light: Dazzling light from the massive star Eta Carinae shapes these dust clouds. In infrared light: Pillars of dust that survive the devastating glow of Eta Carinae stand out in infrared light.
Visible: Default View


The Effects of Eta Carinae

Eta Carinae is one of the most massive stars in the galaxy. It glows brilliantly in visible and ultraviolet light, which destroys the surrounding dust clouds. Though the star is above the edge of this image, its effect on the surrounding material can be seen clearly in the infrared. Pillars of dust and gas that are boiling away in its light point back towards the young star.
Visible: Dazzling light from the massive star Eta Carinae shapes these dust clouds.
Infrared: Pillars of dust that survive the devastating glow of Eta Carinae stand out in infrared light.
CREDITS: Visible: NOAO/AURA/NSF. Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/N. Smith (University of Colorado at Boulder).