Infrared World

Aid in Infrared

As each slider bar is manipulated, the view transitions from visible light to infrared light. In visible light: In thick smoke, it may be impossible to see even nearby victims. In infrared light: An unconscious fire victim glows brightly in infrared light. As each slider bar is manipulated, the view transitions from visible light to infrared light. In visible light: In thick smoke, it may be impossible to see even nearby victims. In infrared light: An unconscious fire victim glows brightly in infrared light.
Visible: Default View


Aid in Infrared

The firefighter's most critical job is to save lives. But in a smoky room it may be difficult to find unconscious victims unless they are literally underfoot. By using infrared cameras, firefighters can easily see the glow of a human even when the lights are out and the room is filled with smoke.
Visible: In thick smoke, it may be impossible to see even nearby victims.
Infrared: An unconscious fire victim glows brightly in infrared light.
CREDITS: Visible: NASA/IPAC/Pasadena Fire Dept. Infrared: NASA/IPAC/Pasadena Fire Dept.