Infrared World


As each slider bar is manipulated, the view transitions from visible light to infrared light. In visible light: A tomistoma relaxes on the ground next to a pond. In infrared light: The tomistoma has a nearly uniform temperature, with some of its scales starting to cool off. The tomistoma appears warm because it was recently in the pool of warm water, glowing in the lower left. As each slider bar is manipulated, the view transitions from visible light to infrared light. In visible light: A tomistoma relaxes on the ground next to a pond. In infrared light: The tomistoma has a nearly uniform temperature, with some of its scales starting to cool off. The tomistoma appears warm because it was recently in the pool of warm water, glowing in the lower left.
Visible: Default View



The tomistoma is a cold-blooded reptile, here seen relaxing on the ground. Notice in the infrared view that its body is almost uniform in temperature, with only the tallest scales cooling off fastest. Here the reptile glows faintly brighter than the cool ground. This tells us that it had recently been lounging in the pool of warm water (seen at the lower left, which is the warmest thing in the infrared picture). The tomistoma has been out of the water long enough that it has started to cool down.
Visible: A tomistoma relaxes on the ground next to a pond.
Infrared: The tomistoma has a nearly uniform temperature, with some of its scales starting to cool off. The tomistoma appears warm because it was recently in the pool of warm water, glowing in the lower left.
CREDITS: Visible: NASA/IPAC/Los Angeles Zoo. Infrared: NASA/IPAC/Los Angeles Zoo.