Myth vs Reality: Uses of Freshwater

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 This short video addresses the misconception that most of Earth's freshwater is used for drinking and washing.

Produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute’s Office of Public Outreach in collaboration with the NASA Earth Observatory.

All images, illustrations, and videos courtesy of NASA except:
·       Dinosaur illustration courtesy of Mariana Ruiz Villarreal
·       Sea creature illustration copyright The National Library of Israel, Shapell Family Digitization Project _and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Geography – Historic Cities Research Project
·       Waterfall photos courtesy of Wikimedia users Karduelis and MattiPaavola
·       Molecule illustration by Marc Lussier (STScI) based on illustration by Luis Javier Rodriguez Lopez
·       Photo of water droplets on leaf courtesy of Thomas Bresson
·       Photo of ocean waves courtesy of Sean O’Flaherty
·       Photo of beach on the Pacific Ocean courtesy of Wikimedia user Marlith
·       “All the Water on Earth” animation by Jack Cook, copyright Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
·       Photo of artesian spring courtesy of Marc Averette
·       Photo of Santa Lucia Cloud Forest in Ecuador courtesy of Hettie van Nes
·       Photo of red panda courtesy of Jennifer Dunne
·       Photo of Graylag goose courtesy of David Graus
·       Photo of pail of dirty water copyright Pierre Holtz, UNICEF
·       Photo of bottled water on store shelf courtesy of Ivy Main
·       Photo of water park courtesy of Wikimedia user Stu pendousmat
·       Photo of pivot irrigation system courtesy of Gene Alexander, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
·       Photo of Arizona golf course courtesy of Bernard Gagnon
·       Panoramic photo of Glen Canyon Dam courtesy of Christian Mehlführer
·       Photo of man at terminus of Colorado River copyright Peter McBride, The Colorado River: Flowing Through Conflict
·       Photo of dry riverbed of Colorado River copyright Peter McBride, The Colorado River: Flowing Through Conflict
·       Photo of boy drinking from well courtesy of U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Eric Kreps
·       Photos of artesian wells courtesy of Michael Gäbler, Père Igor, and Wikimedia user Nikater
·       Photos of a spring in Indiana courtesy of Huw Williams
·       U.S. groundwater map created by Chris Poulsen, National Drought Mitigation Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, _based on data from Matt Rodell, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and the GRACE science team
Music courtesy of Associated Production Music
Written by Tracy Vogel
Designed by Marc Lussier

Text, Myth versus reality. An antique drawing of a ship at sea surrounded by monsters. A photo of rocky cliffs leading out of an ocean inlet. Myth, Most of the freshwater that people use is for drinking and washing.
Reality, The majority of the freshwater we take from rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers is used for farming and ranching. about 70% goes to farms, 20% is used by industry, and less than 10% is taken for daily personal use.